07796 795811 (School hours)

St Paulinus Pre School hall

A Typical Day

09:15 Doors open & greetings:-

To parents and children.

09.20 Registration:-

Registration taken, breakdown and review of mornings activities.

09.30 Free Play:-

Various activities, toys and equipment are available for children to choose, which cover all aspects of the curriculum. They are able to freely move around to experience learn and enjoy individually or in groups. Staff are available wherever needed, to supervise, guide and help. Children sat with on a singular or small group basis to do a craft or something similar. Also assistance on a one to one basis is always available

10.30 – 11.15 Snack time:-

The snack bar is open and children sit in small groups to have snack, they are encouraged to assist with cutting fruit, spreading butter and pouring milk or water. The children are encourages to tidy up if they are not eating.

11.15 Garden Play:-

The children enter the garden with an adult and engage is water sand, bikes, assault courses, den and free play. If a child needs to come back int o the hall they do so with an adult present.

11.45 Tidy Up time:-

The garden is tidied each day and toys are stored in the sheds, the children are asked to help tidy up. Once the garden is clear, we line up to go back into the hall.

12.00 Quiet Time:-

Sit down for a story, or discussion and feedback on the day’s activities.

12.15 Home Time:-

The front door is unbolted for parents to collect their children and supervised by a member of staff, who logs out each child as they leave.

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch Club


These times are used only as a guide and are commonly adapted to allow for special activities, visits and other needs as they arise